Can You Mix Different Design Styles In Your HDB Flat?

Want to bring out your creativity through your home’s appearance? Many HDB flat owners in Singapore like to mix and match various design trends from various eras when renovating their place. It’s a great way to reflect your tastes without being restricted by one style.

You need to approach this carefully if you want your flat to have a unified look. It would be wise to work with an interior design company in Singapore for this project.

Check out this guide to get started on the right track.

How to Blend Different Interior Design Styles in Your HDB Flat

There are decades’ worth of design trends to work with, so here are some tips to help you achieve this successfully:

Choose Your Design Styles - First, you should choose the primary style you prefer most. This will be used for around half of the indoor elements. You can then pick other styles which will make up the rest of the features. It would be best not to choose beyond three — too many and the flat will look cluttered.

Have a Common Element - You’ll also want a common element amidst the different styles you’re using. Sharing a colour, texture, or material can help create continuity throughout your home.

Start With a Neutral Base Colour - Palettes of greys, whites, or beige are safe hues to start with when mixing styles. They let you add bold accents and textures without making the space feel too overwhelming, as opposed to including accents with a bold base.

Dare to Experiment - This is your home, so be free to get creative with trying different combinations when planning your space! Try making a mood board to help you visualise what you want for the project.

Reminders Before You Mix and Match Trends

But before we start combining decorating styles, keep these considerations in mind as well:

Know Your Space Limitations - Assess your flat’s size, layout, and existing features first. Some styles might work better for them. For example, a smaller space might be better with a minimalist design, while a larger room would do well with an eclectic look.

Work Within Your Budget - It’s tempting to go all out with your home’s design, but blending multiple styles can quickly get expensive if you’re not careful. Take your finances into consideration at all times when choosing materials and decorations.

Remember Your Housing Rules - Remember, you’re still in an HDB flat! Make sure your plans don’t violate any renovation guidelines, like hacking down structural walls. It could lead to hefty penalties.

Should You Consult an Interior Design Company in Singapore?

It would be in your best interest to consult a local interior designer who offers HDB renovation packages — particularly one who is experienced in similar projects as what you have in mind. They can develop a design plan that will make your home look cohesive and help source the materials and pieces you want.

Many interior design companies in Singapore also serve as project managers and renovation contractors. They can save you the time and effort of looking for more qualified people to work on your flat.

Create Your Dream Home by Combining Designs

Being able to mix different styles and bring out your creativity can be rewarding for any HDB flat owner. If you’re at a loss for where to begin, you can always come back to this guide.

Feel free to approach any of Singapore’s top interior design companies as well. Their expertise could be just what you need to revamp your home into a place that reflects your personality and gives you all the comfort in the world.

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